Simon Johnson Music offers Industry Standard Charts at an affordable price, see 'Sample song charts' for examples.
Chart Writing
Simon Johnson Music offers a basic chart writing service. Charts are very important as they provide the exact information needed for a band to play a song even if the band has never heard the song before.
A singer need only to concentrate on what they’re doing and should feel confident that the band are all working together by following the same chart. Good charts are critical.
Some professional musicians will refuse to play with you if you don’t have acceptable charts, 'Chords over words are not professional' 'Quality charts equals quality performance'
Sample Song Charts
Question and Answers
Q. What does chart writing include?
A. You will receive a number chart, chord chart or both if required (in your specific key). Below are examples of number and chord charts.
Q. How much does it cost?
A. $30 per song (for two charts, chord and number) or $20 per song for one chart (chord or number)
Q. How do I send my songs for charting?
A. You can send the list of songs you need charted. If I don’t have any of the songs in my collection you can send through MP3s to or a CD to: Simon Johnson Music PO Box 13, Morisset, NSW, 2264
Q. Is there a limit to the number of songs you can chart for me?
A. No, there is no limit
Q. Do I need to know the key I sing/play the song in?
A. Yes, preferably for the chord chart, but not necessary for the number chart.
Q. How do I pay for your service?
A. By direct deposit, PayPal, cheque or money order.
Q. When do I receive the charts?
A. They can be emailed or other arrangements can be made ASAP depending on the number of charts required.